CRUNCH TIME 46-The underdogs won the chip!!

3 nov 2021 · 41 min. 4 sec.
CRUNCH TIME 46-The underdogs won the chip!!

Braves won the world series which is insane, they didn't even have a 1% chance of winning. The CFB Playoff rankings too me are a little weird. I broke down...

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Braves won the world series which is insane, they didn't even have a 1% chance of winning. The CFB Playoff rankings too me are a little weird. I broke down many different ways how teams can get in. It is now reported that Henry Ruggs was going 156 MPH thats insane. Prayers out to both families as that is not ok to e going that fast. The top 5 teams in the NFL are all in the NFC, it's a bloodbath. Also do you think Ruggs life/ carrer is over le me know?
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Autore Chris Simmons
Organizzazione Chris Simmons
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