
Cracking the 5%ers Code | NGE & Nation of Islam

7 set 2023 · 34 min. 35 sec.
Cracking the 5%ers Code | NGE & Nation of Islam

The Nation of Islam and the Five Percenters NGE have branched away considerably from traditional Islamic beliefs and practices, incorporating unique and sometimes controversial ideologies. While these movements have brought...

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The Nation of Islam and the Five Percenters NGE have branched away considerably from traditional Islamic beliefs and practices, incorporating unique and sometimes controversial ideologies. While these movements have brought attention to issues of racial identity, empowerment, and social justice, their deviation from traditional Islamic teachings and their espousal of controversial beliefs have sparked significant debate and critique from within and outside their respective communities.In addition, famous people like Tupac Shakir were known to reject such heresies on grounds of lack of proof; such as, “if you'll are gods, then get us out of prison!”The son of Elijah Muhammad, Wallace Warith Muhamma, also rejected his continual blasphemies and is now a Orthodox Muslim.Finally, Malcom X left the group after making Hajj in Mecca, and saw through the lies and machinations of the false prophet, Elijah Muhammad.
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Autore Elias Bayti
Organizzazione Jeremy Francisco
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