Civil Rights Attorney Andrew Stroth On Defunding Police, Justice in Policing Act 2020 and More.

19 giu 2020 · 15 min. 18 sec.
Civil Rights Attorney Andrew Stroth On Defunding Police, Justice in Policing Act 2020 and More.

Civil Rights Attorney and Managing Director of Action Injury Law Group Andrew Stroth launched the social justice law firm to represent victims of unjustified police shootings, excessive force and police...

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Civil Rights Attorney and Managing Director of Action Injury Law Group Andrew Stroth launched the social justice law firm to represent victims of unjustified police shootings, excessive force and police misconduct. He also created the Truth, Hope & Justice Initiative to share stories of families affected by police violence. He shares his opinions on defunding the police and the presence of police in Chicago Public Schools, in addition to police brutality and the affects of police misconduct on families.
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Autore V103 (WVAZ-FM)
Organizzazione iHeartRadio
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