Chapter 18.1 The Light-Dependent Reactions

10 feb 2023 · 22 min. 53 sec.
Chapter 18.1 The Light-Dependent Reactions

This textbook is designed specifically for Kansas State's Biology 198 Class. The course is taught using the studio approach and based on active learning. The studio manual contains all of...

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This textbook is designed specifically for Kansas State's Biology 198 Class. The course is taught using the studio approach and based on active learning. The studio manual contains all of the learning objectives for each class period and is the record of all student activities. Hence, this textbook is more of a reference tool while the studio manual is the learning tool.
Authors: Robert Bear, David Rintoul, Bruce Snyder, Martha Smith-Caldas, Christopher Herren, and Eva Horne
Kansas State University Libraries
New Prairie Press
Bear, Robert; Rintoul, David; Snyder, Bruce; Smith-Caldas, Martha; Herren, Christopher; and Horne, Eva, "Principles of Biology" (2016). Open Access Textbooks. 1.
The textbook was originally published and is also available to download at is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 license.
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Autore Miranda Casturo
Organizzazione Miranda Casturo
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