Champions LOVE The 4th Quarter

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🌟LIFE IN THE ZONE COURSE🌟 🏈With two minutes to go in the game, the quarterback narrows his focus and executes a perfect pass to his receiver cutting across the...
mostra di più🏈With two minutes to go in the game, the quarterback narrows his focus and executes a perfect pass to his receiver cutting across the middle. Touchdown!
🏀The basketball game is tied in a tough, seesaw battle of wills. The star of the team wants the ball. With the tension thick and the clock winding down in the 4th quarter, the champion has perfect form on a “nothing-but-net” game winner.
🌟Champions have many things in common. One of them is the ability to rise to the occasion when the next move or non-move dictates the outcome. They especially love the “moment of truth” of the 4th quarter.
➡️The 4th Quarter can be the end of a day, the end of the week, end of the month, or even the end of a sales pitch.
✅Here is a simple checklist for a great 4th quarter:
📍Set realistic goals. Create well-defined, measurable targets (if you haven’t already). Adjust these goals upward or downward if needed. Be ambitious, but realistic.
📍Assess your needs. What do you need to add or eliminate in order to have your best 4th quarter ever? Make this list quickly. Act on it with expedience. Make your first steps strong and sure. Be decisive.
📍Welcome the challenge. Identify what might get in your way. Understand your challenges. Prepare for the expected and unexpected roadblocks. The best athletes in the world want the ball when the pressure is at its highest. Even with a myriad of challenges facing them, champions still demand the spotlight in these situations.
📍Deal from strength. To meet or exceed your vision, focus on your strengths. Focus on your core business. Focus on your best customers or clients. Focus on your expertise. Focus on what made you who you are today.
Autore | Jim Fannin |
Organizzazione | Jim Fannin |
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