
Burnout? Reset Your Energy with the Rock Solid Team

20 mag 2024 · 47 min. 7 sec.
Burnout?  Reset Your Energy with the Rock Solid Team

How do you know you're heading for burnout? Sometimes, you only have clues. Laura and Barry Ash of Rock Solid share their burnout story and how they turned their business...

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How do you know you're heading for burnout? Sometimes, you only have clues.

Laura and Barry Ash of Rock Solid share their burnout story and how they turned their business around. Today, they are the authors of The Energy Reset and work with clients to help them manage their business and energy.

Created and hosted by Sian Murphy with regular co-hosts Michele Yianni Attard, Kay Best, Rachael Bryant and occasionally Adelle Martin.

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Autore Women In Business Radio Show
Organizzazione Women In Business Radio Show
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