
Broker Blueprint Recruiting pt 3

4 apr 2024 · 29 min. 29 sec.
Broker Blueprint Recruiting pt 3

Broker Blueprint: Building Your Real Estate Empire Ready to take your real estate career to the next level? Whether you're a seasoned broker or just starting your journey, Broker Blueprint...

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Broker Blueprint: Building Your Real Estate Empire Ready to take your real estate career to the next level? Whether you're a seasoned broker or just starting your journey, Broker Blueprint is your one-stop shop for actionable insights and expert advice. In this episode, we continue on in our series on recruiting. Join us each week as we dive deep into the essential topics that fuel successful brokerages. We'll cover everything from launching and scaling your business to mastering the art of negotiation and client management.

#brokercoaching #realestatebroker #brokerrecruiting
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