Bring Someone With You II Carmelita Jeter on Greatness On and Off the Field

9 apr 2024 · 1 h 2 min. 52 sec.
Bring Someone With You II Carmelita Jeter on Greatness On and Off the Field

Notes Carmelita Jeter is a legend in the world of track and field. Literally dubbed the “Fastest Woman Alive” for over a decade, she has held countless records and stood...

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Carmelita Jeter is a legend in the world of track and field. Literally dubbed the “Fastest Woman Alive” for over a decade, she has held countless records and stood on countless podiums. Despite all of the glitz and glamour of a being a world-renown athlete - she is focused on 2 things: giving back and getting her athletes ready for life on and off of the field.

Carmelita is an example of both of these things that she repeatedly tells her girls to do. For one, she got her master’s degree when she took her first assistant coaching job. And secondly, she gives back freely of her time, attention, and resources. Just to do this interview she had flown back early in the morning from an Easter weekend with her family and then drove 45 minutes from her house to Henderson. Where, by the way, she had come to be a guest speaker on a panel for the G League Ignite season ending banquet the week before.

I know she doesn’t think any of that is a big deal but that stuff just speaks volume about who she is and what she actually cares about. She wants to give back, she wants to help, she wants to build and strengthen communities, and she wants to do things the right way. 

She wears many hats and absolutely crushes them all so we were very lucky to have an hour to pick her brain and learn from one of the very best. Tune in this week on all podcast platforms!

Time Stamps
4:03 Dropping the ball and running track 
5:50 Anyone who is anyone is crazy 
7:38 Being fearless 
11:07 The great vs the team player 
14:35 “The Jet”
18:05 Priorities in college
20:12 Education is priority number 
22:15 Almost a completely different path
26:00 The Olympic podium 
29:52 Patience & trust in track 
32:19 Individual vs team dynamic 
34:13 Hanging em’ up 
37:03 Coaching 
42:37 The bigger picture 
48:03 Giving back 
50:19 Carmelita is ______
50:54 Rapid fire 
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Autore Eric Mika
Organizzazione Eric Mika
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