Bring Out the Best of You

23 set 2019 · 4 min. 14 sec.
Bring Out the Best  of You

To bring out the best of you requires a lifelong commitment to raw, heartfelt, soul-centered, compassionate honesty with yourself. Be willing. We start by tumbling. When I was young, my...

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To bring out the best of you requires a lifelong commitment to raw, heartfelt, soul-centered, compassionate honesty with yourself. Be willing.

We start by tumbling. When I was young, my parents enrolled me in Judo classes so I could learn how to tumble and fall without hurting myself.

As children, we take tumbles all the time and this is to teach us that though we may fall, we need to rise and stand up once more. While that may be the fundamental lesson, we also learn that it is imperative to keep going and never give up so we can move forward and thrive. This is all in an effort to bring out the best of you.
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Autore TISocORI
Organizzazione TISocORI
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