Brian Crombie Radio Hour - Epi 805 - Crime Stoppers Month with Imran Hasan

24 gen 2023 · 48 min. 9 sec.
Brian Crombie Radio Hour - Epi 805 - Crime Stoppers Month with Imran Hasan

Brian interviews Imran Hasan. Imran is a business owner and community builder. He says: It is an honour and privilege to help build a safer and stronger community through my...

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Brian interviews Imran Hasan. Imran is a business owner and community builder. He says: It is an honour and privilege to help build a safer and stronger community through my past and current volunteer roles. Currently he is: Chair, Peel Crime Stoppers, Vice-President, Eden Food For Change, Director, Mississauga Arts Council, Director, Canadian Forces Liaison Council. Past: Chair, Mississauga Board of Trade (International Trade Committee). We talk about Peel Crime Stoppers in honour of crime stoppers month.
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Organizzazione NEWSTALK Sauga 960 AM
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