Boyz N The WHO - Ep 56 - Spring Catch Up With Doc Who and The Snyder Cut - Part 2

9 mag 2021 · 25 min. 35 sec.
Boyz N The WHO - Ep 56 - Spring Catch Up With Doc Who and The Snyder Cut - Part 2

Tom and Ryan continue their discussion on recent Doctor Who news, what we have been watching including the Snyder Cut, the new Bill & Ted movie and way more. Forgive...

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Tom and Ryan continue their discussion on recent Doctor Who news, what we have been watching including the Snyder Cut, the new Bill & Ted movie and way more. Forgive some of the outside noises as we recorded this outside in the glorious sun. We also discuss our favorite chicken sandwiches....Part 3 will be dropping soon....
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Autore Ryan Skinner
Organizzazione Ryan Skinner
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