Blair Breitenstein - Master the Art of Brand Abstraction

2 gen 2020 · 17 min. 26 sec.
Blair Breitenstein - Master the Art of Brand Abstraction

Blair Breitenstein (@blairz) is a New York based artist who partners with and is inspired by the fashion and beauty industry. Through social media, an Etsy shop and her own...

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Blair Breitenstein (@blairz) is a New York based artist who partners with and is inspired by the fashion and beauty industry. Through social media, an Etsy shop and her own website, Blair has built a portfolio which includes some of the most prestigious names in fashion like YSL beauty (@yslbeauty), Caroline Herrrera (@carolinaherrera), Glamour Spain and Marc Jacobs (@marcjacobs). Subscribe to The IdeaMix Radio and stay tuned for our weekly episodes. On The IdeaMix Radio we speak with entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, career changers, experts and enthusiasts for insider tips that help you build the life, business, and career you want.The IdeaMix is the go-to destination for entrepreneurs to turn their idea into a business. Check out our website at For comments, questions, podcast guest ideas or sponsorship enquiries, please email
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