BJJ Training Progress, Evolution & Control Points With Chris Paines

23 ott 2022 · 1 h 14 min. 54 sec.
BJJ Training Progress, Evolution & Control Points With Chris Paines

I talk to Chris Paines, who recently released an instructional titled "How to Defend Against Everyone". We discuss his thoughts on teaching and learning Jiu-Jitsu through the use of heuristics...

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I talk to Chris Paines, who recently released an instructional titled "How to Defend Against Everyone". We discuss his thoughts on teaching and learning Jiu-Jitsu through the use of heuristics focusing on control points and how that can emphasise defensive principles as well as optimising offence. We also discuss the importance of providing context when communicating the techniques of Jiu-Jitsu to learners and how understanding your body dexterity can improve your grappling game.
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Autore Sonny Brown
Organizzazione Sonny Brown
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