
Birthday Bonus #10 - Paul's Boutique, or: Horsefly Honey

14 giu 2022 · 58 min. 22 sec.
Birthday Bonus #10 - Paul's Boutique, or: Horsefly Honey

We're back for a celebration of Christopher's birthday in which he selected the second album by Beastie Boys, "Paul's Boutique", as his pick. The boys discuss the desire to eat...

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We're back for a celebration of Christopher's birthday in which he selected the second album by Beastie Boys, "Paul's Boutique", as his pick. The boys discuss the desire to eat bad things, assigning seven minutes in heaven between members of Fleetwood Mac who are yet to do so, and the kind of people who visit Red Lobster with optimism in their hearts. Somewhere in there we talk about the album, as well.
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Autore Zero Science
Organizzazione Zero Science
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