
Between Takes 0.63 - Love on a Leash

7 apr 2024 · 1 h 34 min. 22 sec.
Between Takes 0.63 - Love on a Leash

Carley Cooper simply would not rest until she'd introduced Shawn to the astonishing, remarkable, time-bending effort that is LOVE ON A LEASH, a film belongs in the annals with the...

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Carley Cooper simply would not rest until she'd introduced Shawn to the astonishing, remarkable, time-bending effort that is LOVE ON A LEASH, a film belongs in the annals with the likes of Tommy Wiseau's The Room and Neil Breen's Fateful Findings. It's a film so strange, so overwhelming, so baffling, that it took Shawn and Carley a year to reunite after they recorded the first part of this episode to record part two, a historic first for Missing Frames. Will they survive the experience and live to record another podcast on another day? Only time will tell.

Shawn Eastridge
Carley Cooper
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Autore The Nerd Party
Organizzazione The Nerd Party
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