Backseat Drivers F1 2023 Podcast Promo

3 mar 2023 · 2 min. 2 sec.
Backseat Drivers F1 2023 Podcast Promo

FINALLY! It’s the 2023 #F1 season and we’re the Backseat Drivers F1 podcast, by two of the internet’s least qualified hosts! We’re back and better than ever, depending on your...

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FINALLY! It’s the 2023 #F1 season and we’re the Backseat Drivers F1 podcast, by two of the internet’s least qualified hosts!

We’re back and better than ever, depending on your perspective, because now we’re doing video podcasts and you can actually see what goofballs we are!Learn what makes us different and hear about some of our segments.We’re having fun talking Formula 1!

Follow us on social:Backseat Drivers are on Instagram and TwitterSubscribe to our YouTube channel! New videos every Tuesday after a race
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Autore Story Monkey Productions Inc.
Organizzazione Story Monkey Productions Inc.
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