Back To The Basics - The Word Of God

7 giu 2018 · 1 h 2 min. 15 sec.
Back To The Basics - The Word Of God

Many people argue the validity of God's word. For some people the word of God is completely preserved when others in the secular world believe the word is full of...

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Many people argue the validity of God's word. For some people the word of God is completely preserved when others in the secular world believe the word is full of questionable errors and wasn't preserved in its entirety but altered by man despite what the Scriptures state. Through all the debates one thing that can be for certain, the word of God is powerful and yet still making an impact in the lives of those that hear receive it. Join Dr.Snapper as he continues with the series "Back to the Basics-the Word of God".
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Autore Q.U.E.S.T.
Organizzazione Q.U.E.S.T.
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