(BA int.) What is business administration?

14 mar 2024 · 19 min. 17 sec.
(BA int.) What is business administration?

Businesses are everywhere you look, and seemingly they run smoothly day after day, week after week. To keep them running, there's a lot of disciplines that come into play. It's...

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Businesses are everywhere you look, and seemingly they run smoothly day after day, week after week. To keep them running, there's a lot of disciplines that come into play. It's a fine network of impulses shooting back and forth, which keeps all of these different and diverse businesses on the right track.

Head of study at business administration, Mette Apollo Rasmussen joins the studio to talk about the course.

Mette talks us through how different disciplines like law, accounting and HRM intertwine at the course, and more importantly, how they convey it to students in a comprehensive and adequate way. We also talk about how the lecturers invite real-life businesses to RUC, how the course can help structuring organizations in the future and how even the smallest daily behavior patterns can help paint a broader picture of businesses.

Remember to also read about the subject at ruc.dk.

Developed, hosted and produced by Mathias Broby Petersen.
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Organizzazione Mette Rolan-Kjærsgaard
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