
Ave Maria Radio's Epiphany with Lynda Rozell on her book Return to Me: Visits to the Tabernacle (May 13, 2024)

19 mag 2024 · 18 min. 26 sec.
Ave Maria Radio's Epiphany with Lynda Rozell on her book Return to Me: Visits to the Tabernacle (May 13, 2024)

In this episode of Ephiphany, Lynda Rozell shares with Vanessa Denha Garmo on her Ave Maria Radio program Epiphany the good news of the pre-publication of her book Return to...

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In this episode of Ephiphany, Lynda Rozell shares with Vanessa Denha Garmo on her Ave Maria Radio program Epiphany the good news of the pre-publication of her book Return to Me: Visits to the Tabernacle. (May 13, 2024)

Return to Me: Visits to the Tabernacle discusses tabernacle images with reflections on their symbolism, encouraging devotion to Jesus in the tabernacle and drawing readers to adoration at the tabernacle outside of a formal holy hour. Organized under the themes of Nourishment, Sacrifice, Jesus, Spirit, Church, and Mission, this book helps readers deepen their devotion to Jesus in His Real Presence. In addition to reflections from Scripture and tradition, the book includes photographs of tabernacles visited by the author to help guide the reader’s prayer and meditation.  In so doing, they show the reader how to use visual images as a starting point for prayer, teaching readers how to enter more fully into their personal conversations with Christ by prayerfully “reading” their own tabernacle and those they encounter in their busy lives.  

Return to Me: Visits to the Tabernacle by Lynda Rozell | En Route Books and Media
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