
Audition (1999)

17 apr 2024 · 1 h 13 min. 23 sec.
Audition (1999)

Tonight, join the AHH Crew as they discuss Takashi Miike's Audition! Considered by many to be the best Japanese horror films of all-time, Audition follows a widower who stages a...

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Tonight, join the AHH Crew as they discuss Takashi Miike's Audition!

Considered by many to be the best Japanese horror films of all-time, Audition follows a widower who stages a phony audition to meet a potential new romantic partner. After interviewing several women, Aoyama becomes interested in Asami, whose dark past affects their relationship. 

Audition has been cited as a huge influence on the "torture porn" subgenre of horror, and is a personal favorite of many iconic horror filmmakers including Eli Roth, Rob Zombie & Quentin Tarantino.

But first: breaking down the trailer for MAXXXINE, the 1999 Academy Award winner for Best Picture THE MUMMY is returning to theaters this month & Gillian Anderson is open to returning for the upcoming X-FILES reboot from Ryan Coogler.

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- All Music, Sound Editing & Audio Production by Shaun O'Loughlin of Sky Wheel Media

#Audition #TakashiMiike #PsychologicalHorror #JapaneseHorror #TorturePorn #HorrorMovies #1999Movies #1999Horror #MaXXXine #TheMummy #BrendanFraser #XFiles #GillianAnderson #RyanCoogler #HorrorPodcast #HorrorFactsDotCom #Fangoria #AHHPod #AmericasHometownHorror #PlymouthMA
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Organizzazione America's Hometown Horror
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