ASK 01 - “Fast Fashion is Out of Fashion” - Son of a Tailor, Roccamore, Kvadrat

14 mag 2024 · 44 min. 9 sec.
ASK 01 - “Fast Fashion is Out of Fashion” - Son of a Tailor, Roccamore, Kvadrat

This episode is about reimagining the production of fashion and textiles and why it's crucial to maintain a simple and transparent supply chain. In this episode you will meet Jess...

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This episode is about reimagining the production of fashion and textiles and why it's crucial to maintain a simple and transparent supply chain.

In this episode you will meet Jess Fleischer from Son Of A Tailor, Signe Marie Bakka Backhaus from Roccamore and Wickie Meier Engström from Kvadrat and Kvadrat Really.

This episode is funded by: Nordic Innovation & Industriens Fond. Developed in collaboration with Lifestyle & Design Cluster, Interior Cluster Sweden, Science Park Borås, +Lab, NFTA, Science Park Borås, Finnish Textile & Fashion, DI-Handel
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Autore Lifestyle & Design Cluster
Organizzazione Heidi Svane
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