
10 feb 2022 · 39 min. 49 sec.

Over the last fifteen years, Luke Arrigoni has worked with some of the top brands in the United States building machine learning and data science programs, even before there was...

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Over the last fifteen years, Luke Arrigoni has worked with some of the top brands in the United States building machine learning and data science programs, even before there was such a term. He worked with companies such as UPS, J&J, Getty, AT&T, Stryker, Goldman Sachs, CAA, FOX, Sephora along with others. He has media experience explaining to audiences at Bloomberg, WIRED and others on topics such as data’s impact on politics, machine learning, blockchain and other ways that technology intersects in a big way in everyone’s day-to-day life. Luke enjoys getting people excited about otherwise dry topics like data by creating a meaningful narrative around how it applies to everyone, even if you don’t know how it impacts you.

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Autore Just Minding My Business Media
Organizzazione Just Minding My Business Media
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