Are You Having Fun Yet?

3 set 2018 · 6 min. 27 sec.
Are You Having Fun Yet?

Who is the fool? The childlike adult with lightness of heart dancing with the spontaneity of moments? Or the adult who takes himself or herself very strict.? I know that...

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Who is the fool?

The childlike adult with lightness of heart dancing with the spontaneity of moments?

Or the adult who takes himself or herself very strict.?

I know that the childlike qualities lives in our heart when we were young but as an adult it became dormant.

It hibernate within and never to bring back out.

Step out of the adult mode whenever you can because life suppose to be enjoy.

What I got to experienced today reminded me of "Delighting myself and I delighted my world".

Don't forget to be silly.
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Autore Rockit n Rebel~ Venture Boldly
Organizzazione Rockit n Rebel~ Venture Boldly
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