Are These Slumping Royals Just 2003 All Over Again?

24 giu 2024 · 43 min. 44 sec.
Are These Slumping Royals Just 2003 All Over Again?

After dropping 5 of 6 and being swept by the struggling Rangers, will the Royals ever get back to holding a Playoff Spot in the standings? Rany Jazayerli (Co-Founder Baseball...

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After dropping 5 of 6 and being swept by the struggling Rangers, will the Royals ever get back to holding a Playoff Spot in the standings?

Rany Jazayerli (Co-Founder Baseball Prospectus/@Jazayerli) and Soren Petro (Sports Radio 810-WHB, talk about what it means to have a losing series against the A's and be swept by the Rangers.  Plus...

- Playoff Optimism Meter.
- Compare and contrast 2024 and 2003.
- How can the Front Office thurn things around?
- What should the plan be at the Trade Deadline?  Buy or Sell?
- 3 Games with Miami and 4 with Cleveland this week.  Predictions?
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Autore Soren Petro
Organizzazione Soren Petro
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