Do you have a life philosophy? Do words of wisdom thrill you to the marrow? Are you a person that loves wise old sayings? If so, you'll love our resuming of this series. This week, we continue the magnificent philosophy offered by The Urantia Papers in Paper 160, Rodan of Alexandria and then we move on to Paper 161, Further Discussions with Rodan. A splendid example of Urantian philosophy, it contains words that stay with you forever and come back to you in times of need. These are words that you can base your life on. This week we'll start with Secion 5, of Paper 160, The Religion of the Ideal. Which is the final section in Paper 160, then it's on to Paper 161, Section 1. The Personality of God Consider this from the former: 160:5.12.The religion of Jesus demands living and spiritual experience. Other religions may consist in traditional beliefs, emotional feelings, philosophic consciousness, and all of that, but the teaching of the Master requires the attainment of actual levels of real spirit progression. And this from the latter: 161:1.11.When Rodan heard these arguments, he said: "I am convinced. I will confess God as a person if you will permit me to qualify my confession of such a belief by attaching to the meaning of personality a group of extended values, such as superhuman, transcendent, supreme, infinite, eternal, final, and universal. I am now convinced that, while God must be infinitely more than a personality, he cannot be anything less. I am satisfied to end the argument and to accept Jesus as the personal revelation of the Father and the satisfaction of all unsatisfied factors in logic, reason, and philosophy." The Urantia Book tells us that, "Philosophy is man's attempt at the unification of human experience." Come and listen in this week as we take a deep dive into Urantia Book philosophy.
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