
AI, Consciousness & The Singularity feat. Matthew James Bailey

17 mag 2024 · 1 h 8 min. 24 sec.
AI, Consciousness & The Singularity feat. Matthew James Bailey

Is there a connection between Ai and Human Consciousness? Should humans put faith in AI technology ? About our guest: Matthew James Bailey is a Pioneer at the Nexus of...

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Is there a connection between Ai and Human Consciousness? Should humans put faith in AI technology ?

About our guest:

Matthew James Bailey is a Pioneer at the Nexus of AI, Consciousness, and Universal Prosperity. Standing at the crossroads of innovative technology and systemic global change, Matthew is a luminary in Ethical Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, and Smart Cities.

 Recognized by the U.S. government as a Person of Extraordinary Ability, he's in the top 1% of minds globally. He is recognized as a 'Who's Who' in Artificial Intelligence and his research collaborations include a Visiting Scholar position with the National Institute of Aerospace and NASA in 2022.

 He is a pioneer, creator, author, serial entrepreneur, and a global leader in Ethical AI and Consciousness. In 2023, Matthew unveiled the World 3.0 global movement, a groundbreaking initiative that integrates Artificial Intelligence, Consciousness, Spirituality, and the New Human Potential™.

This movement aims to foster a harmonious coexistence between AI and human consciousness, opening doors to new dimensions of creativity and universal exploration. Join Matthew this June at Contact in the Desert 2024, where he will be headlining his World 3.0 global movement as part of the executive team.

Showpage: Matthew's Website:
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Autore Escape The Simulation Radio
Organizzazione The Rogge Report
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