Ace, Bill, and Shades of Grey

25 mar 2020 · 1 h 2 min. 33 sec.
Ace, Bill, and Shades of Grey

Classic versus NuWho: The Good Bits In honor of 100 episodes of the podcast, Jessica and Phillip talk about their favorite parts of the Doctor Who franchise, from the "classic...

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Classic versus NuWho: The Good Bits

In honor of 100 episodes of the podcast, Jessica and Phillip talk about their favorite parts of the Doctor Who franchise, from the "classic era" (1963-1989), the "interregnum era," and the post-revival nuWho era (2005-present). What makes them excited to watch a classic episode? What character are they looking forward to the most in nuWho? And how does "Take That" connect to the lasting legacy of Who?

In their look into the TARDIS library, the couple discuss the #SavetheDay quarantine global re-watch of the 50th Anniversary "Day of the Doctor."
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Autore The Nerd Party
Organizzazione The Nerd Party
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