
A Viking Queen's Stand

18 dic 2023 · 14 min. 16 sec.
A Viking Queen's Stand

When a fearsome dragon with scales as black as night begins destroying villages, Queen Astrid of the Northern Realm's rugged Viking lands knows she must take swift action. Despite being...

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When a fearsome dragon with scales as black as night begins destroying villages, Queen Astrid of the Northern Realm's rugged Viking lands knows she must take swift action. Despite being warned the dragon's fiery lair is certain death, the battle-tested queen assembles her band of skilled warriors and heads into peril. Using cunning strategy and unimaginable bravery, Astrid leads the fight against all odds. In an epic showdown, she slays the murderous creature, liberating her people to enjoy an era of hard-won peace. Her victory proves while the Viking north can be harsh and unforgiving, even the greatest beasts are no match for true grit and the power of unified clans rallied behind a worthy queen.
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Autore Katie Brown
Organizzazione William Corbin
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