
A Solid 4 Beer Thoughts Gearing Up For The Race

25 mag 2023 · 1 h 9 min. 14 sec.
A Solid 4 Beer Thoughts Gearing Up For The Race

Well the big weekend is here! Memorial Day weekend and on the westside of Indianapolis that means the biggest race in the world is getting ready to take place. 3...

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Well the big weekend is here! Memorial Day weekend and on the westside of Indianapolis that means the biggest race in the world is getting ready to take place. 3 of the 4 of us will be there, the 4th will be listening on the radio. As we gear up, it is a great time to take a look at why this is so big to us, but also the racing world. As always Lynk will have this week in history with some great stuff and we remember the Queen of Rock N Roll. Pop a cold one and enjoy!
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Autore A Solid 4 Beer Thoughts
Organizzazione Wayne Posz
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