A new category of Insurance for Freelancers

1 mar 2023 · 24 min. 25 sec.
A new category of Insurance for Freelancers

This week on the SOL Podcast we welcome Janthana Kaenprakhamroy, Founder & CEO of Tapoly. Tune in to hear about Janthana's experiences and her journey with Tapoly which is a...

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This week on the SOL Podcast we welcome Janthana Kaenprakhamroy, Founder & CEO of Tapoly. Tune in to hear about Janthana's experiences and her journey with Tapoly which is a business insurance for sole traders, freelancers, the self-employed and small businesses.

We addressed issues like business growth, ways of solving problems while scaling up, the future of working in gig economy, building technological solutions according to current needs, adjusting to the market, the importance of insurance for small businesses and startups, how the UK Landscape looks like in general and how the UK ecosystem is divided.

Our discussion revolved around their company culture, vision, the value of interaction, growth story and "What is the conversion rate?", "How important the style of leadership is: combining the experience of working and personal value."
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