
86) New Upcoming Hip Hop Artists - Leggo & Artist Manager

14 nov 2022 · 50 min. 11 sec.
86) New Upcoming Hip Hop Artists - Leggo & Artist Manager

New Upcoming Hip Hop Artists! Join us as we keep it 100 about current events in the entertainment industry & feature up and coming artists. Today we featuring a hot...

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New Upcoming Hip Hop Artists! Join us as we keep it 100 about current events in the entertainment industry & feature up and coming artists. Today we featuring a hot rapper @kickrocksentertainment and the CEO of Hustle itself @flyexecutive! Make sure you support/subscribe/share/shop @
00:00 - 03:53 - Show Intro/Merch/Patreon
03:53 - 06:24 - Guest Intro
06:24 - 08:45 - @flyexecutive Representing!
08:45 - 10:32 - @kickrocksentertainment Keepin it 100!
10:32 - 19:17 - "Yeah" by @kickrocksentertainment
19:17 - 22:29 - Keepin it 100
22:29 - 30:00 - @Flyexecutive Keepin it 100
30:00 - 33:27 - L's are just Lessons
33:27 - 40:23 - "La Di Dah" by @kickrocksentertainment
40:23 - 44:38 - Freestyle Session!
44:38 - 50:11 - What's Next?/Shoutouts/Show Close
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Organizzazione Adam Welton
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