75 - Dimetrodon (Permian Period Dentistry)

1 nov 2023 · 28 min. 59 sec.
75 - Dimetrodon (Permian Period Dentistry)

Are you ready to have a seat in the dentist’s chair, because on today’s episode we are looking into a prehistoric genus that had two sets of teeth for eating...

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Are you ready to have a seat in the dentist’s chair, because on today’s episode we are looking into a prehistoric genus that had two sets of teeth for eating all kinds of Halloween candy. This creature is also always mislead as a real dinosaur due to the massive sail on its back for casting spooky shadows on the ground below. Now let’s sit back & open wide. It’s teeth cleaning time!! Bwahahahahaha - Dr. Dimetrodon
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Autore Dinosaur Ranger Anthony
Organizzazione Dinosaur Ranger Anthony
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