74 - Dracorex (Harry Potter)

18 ott 2023 · 27 min. 24 sec.
74 - Dracorex (Harry Potter)

It's time to cast a spell on our next prehistoric species. This dinosaur known as the "Dragon King of Hogwarts" had a flat skull filled with all kinds of horns...

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It's time to cast a spell on our next prehistoric species. This dinosaur known as the "Dragon King of Hogwarts" had a flat skull filled with all kinds of horns & spikes. Now not only does this dinosaur look like a mythological creature, but it also might not even be it's own prehistoric genus. Let's grab our wands & take the train to the Hogwarts Castle for our next review. Accio Dinosauria!!
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Autore Dinosaur Ranger Anthony
Organizzazione Dinosaur Ranger Anthony
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