73: Will Elon keep or kill Twitter Spaces?

18 nov 2022 · 1 h 51 sec.
73: Will Elon keep or kill Twitter Spaces?

#Twitter #TwitterSpaces #SocialAudio Another lively Space this week as Madalyn and Suze discuss the reasons why Elon might keep or kill Twitter Spaces. Many of the known faces who were...

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#Twitter #TwitterSpaces #SocialAudio

Another lively Space this week as Madalyn and Suze discuss the reasons why Elon might keep or kill Twitter Spaces. Many of the known faces who were designing, building and fixing Twitter’s social audio offering are no longer employed by the platform. So what does the Chief Twit have in store for it?

We also catch up with @audiomentor Michael Sterling and hear about Clubhouse’s response to the Twittergeddon. Houses could be coming out of beta soon - but are they ready?

Links mentioned during the show...

Twitter loses more top execs

Elon tweets about Spaces

Elon’s hardcore working offer for those at Twitter

E.B.Boyd’s Twitter thread about Elon’s (lack of) direction

Impact of the blue check on Spaces

Blue checks: from meaningful to meaningless?

Verification kicked back to Nov 29

Twitter’s Daniele to speak on Spaces

AllThingsAudio Twitter Moment https://twitter.com/i/events/1592964353719934983


Last week we spoke about millions of people tuning in to hear Elon talking to major advertisers. Check out that episode here https://www.spreaker.com/episode/51861741


All Things Audio with Madalyn and Suze is recorded LIVE on Twitter Spaces.

Madalyn Sklar and Suze Cooper host All Things Audio on Twitter Spaces every Wednesday at 3pm EST / 8pm BST.

After the podcast is recorded we open the mic and speak to people in the Space about the week's hot topics.

Join us Wednesdays on Twitter Spaces to be part of the conversation. Follow @BigTentSocial and @MadalynSklar and follow the hashtag #AllThingsAudio.
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