66: Twitter shelves Ticketed Spaces

30 set 2022 · 44 min. 44 sec.
66: Twitter shelves Ticketed Spaces

#TwitterSpaces #SocialAudio #Twitter This week’s #AllThingsAudio went live just as Twitter announced they would be pausing Ticketed Spaces. Suze and Madalyn chat about the extended beta period that never seemed...

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#TwitterSpaces #SocialAudio #Twitter

This week’s #AllThingsAudio went live just as Twitter announced they would be pausing Ticketed Spaces. Suze and Madalyn chat about the extended beta period that never seemed to give ticketed events a chance. They also talk about the new audio tab being released to Twitter Blue subscribers on Android and whether the social audio offerings integrated into traditional social media like Twitter and LinkedIn, is taking a hit as the companies undergo staff reshuffles and changes.

Links mentioned during the show...

Re-designed ‘Spaces’ (audio!?) tab now available for Twitter Blue users on Android

Twitter downs tools on Ticketed Spaces h/t Jennifer Navarrete

Integrated social audio vs standalone app - a Twitter thread by Suze

More Space-impacting staff shuffles for Twitter

Jane Wong screenshot shows references to ‘podcasts’ h/t Morgan Evetts

Why Twitter’s audio tab auto-play is bad for podcasters wanting reliable stats (and how some podcast networks are using it to their advantage)

Share Space via Tweet is back for Android users h/t Legion

Dolby Atmos Surround Sound on Clubhouse

LinkedIn has a pre-live space

Get your free guide to setting up your own Twitter Spaces at www.bigtentmedia.co.uk/socialaudio

Want a hand getting started? Let Suze host a Space for you. You can join as co-host and learn the ropes, asking questions as you go. DM Suze on Twitter @BigTentSocial for more information about her free #HoldingSpace sessions.

AllThingsAudio Twitter Moment https://twitter.com/i/events/1575175868271427586


Last week we spoke about metal band Ghost crashing Spotify Live’s servers. Check out that episode here https://www.spreaker.com/episode/51342567

All Things Audio with Madalyn and Suze is recorded LIVE on Twitter Spaces.

Madalyn Sklar and Suze Cooper host All Things Audio on Twitter Spaces every Wednesday at 3pm EST / 8pm BST.

After the podcast is recorded we open the mic and speak to people in the Space about the week's hot topics.

Join us Wednesdays on Twitter Spaces to be part of the conversation. Follow @BigTentSocial and @MadalynSklar and follow the hashtag #AllThingsAudio.
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