6 things you need to do to create 6-figures in 2019

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Hey Mama! Welcome to episode #103 of the Life by Design Podcast with Allison Hardy! Today’s episode revolves around the action that you need to take to hit 6-figures in...
mostra di piùToday’s episode revolves around the action that you need to take to hit 6-figures in 2019. I hear my clients (and potential clients) say all the time, that if they could just make $100,000 this year then that would change a lot of things for them.
So let’s simplify the process and make that happen.
First, I want to disspell the myth that hitting 6-figures is hard. It’s not. What is hard is managing 10 bazillion things at one time. A 6-figure business doesn’t have to be hard, it just has to be effective. So as we go through today’s episode I want to challenge you to take a good, long, hard look at your business and consider what is actually creating you income, and what is just fluff.
So let’s dive in! Are you ready?!
> To learn more about the Legacy Mastermind (hurry doors are closing!) visit: www.allisonhardy.com/legacy
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Music courtesy of www.bensound.com.
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