599. What Is Conscripting Grace? | Connecting Clip of the Week

24 mag 2024 · 11 min. 33 sec.
599. What Is Conscripting Grace? | Connecting Clip of the Week

Have you ever heard of the conscripting grace of God? In this week’s Connecting Clip of the Week, Paul and Shelby discuss how this doctrine can help us in our...

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Have you ever heard of the conscripting grace of God?

In this week’s Connecting Clip of the Week, Paul and Shelby discuss how this doctrine can help us in our walks with the Lord. 

To hear more of Paul and Shelby’s conversation on grace, check out The Connecting Podcast Ep. 031: https://youtu.be/5fAGPilnQCc?si=PQXIPaF69QZq5gl4
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Autore Paul David Tripp
Organizzazione Paul David Tripp
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