
50 Envying that Destroys

28 ott 2022 · 3 min. 12 sec.
50 Envying that Destroys

In a large apartment complex which had many rats and the tenants who could bare no more but began giving complaints to the landlord to get something done there dwell...

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In a large apartment complex which had many rats and the tenants who could bare no more but began giving complaints to the landlord to get something done there dwell Tommy the rat. He was a envious rat Who saw himself as unfortunate but had many things to be thankful for. He lived in a rat hole that contain many good things to eat. Instead of looking at the things he could be thankful for, he would pay attention to what others had. One day he heard Jimmy the elder rat who always had his left hand in his pocket say you see that cheese on top of that piece of wood , with the metal on the side of the cheese. It is mine it takes special skills to get that cheese. Tommy the rat , on hearing this started complaining within himself why, does Jimmy always get the good cheese especially the one on top of the wood and we're stuck getting the cheese that's in the refrigerator or on top of the shelf. Tommy's mother Said" Tommy don't be envious of Jimmy, for he cares for our safety that cheese to get is very dangerous." "Nonsense, That's what Jimmy says Because he only wants the good cheese for himself while we're stuck getting the leftovers I can't imagine how that cheese tastes like It looks nice and moldy, it could even be the best cheese in the world" said Tommy. Tommy continue and said "maybe that cheese gives special wisdom and Jimmy wants all that wisdom for himself , That is why he is the leader of the group." " Or just maybe he has special powers in his left hand which he received from eating that cheese that is why he doesn't show us his left hand" That night while all the rats were sleeping Tommy decided not to wake up in the time the other rats woke up to eat but earlier than them to get that cheese which he could smell the moldiness from afar. Oh that cheese was looking so desirable. And Tommy said that cheese will belong to no longer Jimmy but to me." As Tommy was getting closer to the cheese , imagining to himself it's finally mine as he took his bite. He saw the cheese wasn't as tasty as he imagine it would be but before he could give his opinion on the matter the trap got him and killed him by breaking his neck with the metal pieces on the side of the cheese. When all the rats awoke they saw Tommy dead with the metal piece on his broken neck. At seeing this Jimmy finally showed his left hand to all the rats which one can notice it was missing three of his fingers and he said I lost these fingers not knowing the dangers this cheese on top of this wood would bring. Now you see why I told you all along that cheese on top of the wood should be always mine for I don't want you to go through What I've gone through and the death which Tommy just went through." Now let this be a lesson to you all. From there on no rat ever question why Jimmy always got the cheese on top of the wood or why Jimmy would keep his left hand in his pocket for now they knew. So the moral of the story is don't be envious of the cheese on the trap that belongs to a other mouse because it might be not as good as you imagine or even might be your destruction.

Job 5:2
For wrath kills a foolish man, And envy slays a simple one.

Proverbs 14:30 A sound heart is life to the body, But envy is rottenness to the bones.

Now I ask you these questions is being envious worth your time? And What good can it bring you ?
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Autore Harris Kakoulides
Organizzazione Harris KAKOULIDES
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