#39 Bart Kay on the Randle Cycle and Carb Toxicity

2 set 2022 · 54 min. 13 sec.
#39 Bart Kay on the Randle Cycle and Carb Toxicity

WHAT CARBS DO IN THE BODY: Bart Kay on the Randle Cycle Book a free consultation: https://harmonizely.com/sameer/heal Are carbs healthy? Are carbs toxic? Bart Kay is a nutrition and health...

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WHAT CARBS DO IN THE BODY: Bart Kay on the Randle Cycle

Book a free consultation: https://harmonizely.com/sameer/heal

Are carbs healthy? Are carbs toxic?

Bart Kay is a nutrition and health expert from New Zealand. In this conversation we discuss the role of dietary carbohydrates, the Randle cycle and why the best way of eating might be on that avoids carbs altogether.

00:00 - Glucose is toxic
00:53 - Intro
02:16 - Interview begins
03:38 - Bart vs Authority
08:14 - Where nutrition science went wrong
12:35 - The "Science" of Epidemiology
21:03 - The Randle Cycle Explained
31:20 - Evolution and the Randle Cycle
34:20 - Cholesterol and ASCVD
41:21 - Food Culture vs Fact
51:13 - Advice
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Autore Sameer Dossani
Organizzazione Sameer Dossani
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