33. How to Stay Less Stressed and Happier Through the Holidays Part 2

17 nov 2021 · 16 min. 39 sec.
33. How to Stay Less Stressed and Happier Through the Holidays Part 2

As we enter the final 6 weeks of 2021 I want you to have the tools you need to stay happy and healthy. In this episode I give you 3...

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As we enter the final 6 weeks of 2021 I want you to have the tools you need to stay happy and healthy.

In this episode I give you 3 simple tips to upgrade your health and 3 simple tips to upgrade your happiness in the final weeks of the year.

This strategy session covers:

✅Immune boosting activities you can do everyday
✅Permission to let go of the expectation for perfection
✅Ways you can feel good and enjoy your Holiday treats
✅2 questions for reflection and preparation for the year ahead
✅Ideas on ways to serve others during the Holidays

I hope you love the episode.

If you are a working Mom, you are a Mom Entrepreneur - you run your home and your work life. This podcast is for women looking to connect with a great community and be inspired to dream big in your business and life.

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Autore Natalie Peterson
Organizzazione Natalie Peterson
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