
324 - Star Trek: Resurgence

19 gen 2024 · 1 h 4 min. 29 sec.
324 - Star Trek: Resurgence

Games in the Franchise: Star Trek: Resurgence It's been a few months since the release of the adventure game "Star Trek: Resurgence" from Dramatic Labs. Players control two different characters...

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Games in the Franchise: Star Trek: Resurgence

It's been a few months since the release of the adventure game "Star Trek: Resurgence" from Dramatic Labs. Players control two different characters in this story-driven game: Commander Jara Rydek, a Kobliad first officer just joining the USS Resolute, and Petty Officer Carter Diaz, a young but experienced engineering technician. Players decide what actions these characters take in this epic story featuring Ambassador Spock, Captain Riker, other (surprisingly) familiar aliens, new species, and choices that could lead to deaths or saving lives.

The trio talks about how this game is more story than game, but how the exciting events makes this (relatively inexpensive) game worth playing. From how to loyal be to a brink-of-retirement captain to how you might choose to sacrifice your friends or yourself. They talk about where someone might get stuck in the game to what parts marveled them as they played. And spoilers: They discuss the random Star Trek episode that serves as prolouge for this story.

So step aboard the USS Resolute, brave the ion storm, and set course (via the gaming platform of your choice) for "Star Trek: Resurgence."
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Autore The Nerd Party
Organizzazione The Nerd Party

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