#29 | Rebecca P. Fox | Emotional Intelligence Skills: Recovering & Thriving After Abuse

24 feb 2023 · 44 min. 46 sec.
#29 | Rebecca P. Fox | Emotional Intelligence Skills: Recovering & Thriving After Abuse

Limit Break Stories is a Limit Break Media project dedicated to curating insight and inspiration from entrepreneurs, creatives, and limit breakers from around the world. Today our Limit Breaker is...

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Limit Break Stories is a Limit Break Media project dedicated to curating insight and inspiration from entrepreneurs, creatives, and limit breakers from around the world.

Today our Limit Breaker is Rebecca Fox. Working on your emotional intelligence allows you to perceive, interpret, demonstrate, and most importantly control and use your emotions to communicate with and relate to others. Rebecca is on a mission to help people who have experienced trauma confidently break through their limits and to be able to thrive in life. She’s a fully certified Psychotherapist who is based in the UK and works internationally with clients via Zoom. She knows from first hand experience and is dedicated to transforming survivors who have suffered forms of abuse after being in a toxic relationship.

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