285. Quit Your Day Job with Olga Gunz

30 ott 2023 · 29 min. 58 sec.
285. Quit Your Day Job with Olga Gunz

https://www.instagram.com/olgagunzart/ is a former teacher turned muralist. She is about to complete her second full-income earning year of full-time artistry and is set to gross over $100,000. How did she...

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Olga is a former teacher turned muralist. She is about to complete her second full-income earning year of full-time artistry and is set to gross over $100,000.

How did she get her start you may ask? By passing around flyers and landing a window painting job that started the domino effect into murals and more.

Listen to hear how Olga isn’t working her life away while bringing in double her teacher’s salary and still prioritizing family.

Let me know what you think of this week’s episode with Olga Gunz (Gonzalez).

Have a great week!

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Autore Andrea Ehrhardt
Organizzazione Andrea Ehrhardt
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