277. Creating Custom Sneakers for NFL Players with Dillon DeJesus

4 set 2023 · 33 min. 15 sec.
277. Creating Custom Sneakers for NFL Players with Dillon DeJesus

This week’s episode features Chicago-based shoe artist https://www.instagram.com/dejesuscustomfootwear/. I really enjoyed chatting with Dillon about a painting subject that I knew nothing about. It became very apparent how little I...

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This week’s episode features Chicago-based shoe artist Dillon DeJesus. I really enjoyed chatting with Dillon about a painting subject that I knew nothing about. It became very apparent how little I knew about his industry the more he talked about it and I’m excited to share this insight with you too.

This interview emphasizes the benefits of really diving deep into research and techniques within one niche. I often feel like a jack of all trades, which has its benefits, but this chat shines a light on the pros of becoming a master in one area. Dillon has leaned into, or rather dove headfirst into, the shoe/sports/painting industry and it is serving him well. With a customer roster of several NFL players, the dude knows his stuff when it comes to designing custom sneakers!

Let me know what you think of this week’s episode with Dillon DeJesus.

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Autore Andrea Ehrhardt
Organizzazione Andrea Ehrhardt
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