#260 - Real Estate Power Hour - Special Guest; Larry D West III, Tax Strategist & Founder of The West Learning Academy

9 apr 2021 · 1 h 10 min. 47 sec.
#260 - Real Estate Power Hour - Special Guest; Larry D West III, Tax Strategist & Founder of The West Learning Academy

LIVE ON CLUBHOUSE!!! I host the PROPERTY CHAMPS club on Clubhouse where me and a host of Clubhouse family members lead power hours designed to bring to you top professionals...

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I host the PROPERTY CHAMPS club on Clubhouse where me and a host of Clubhouse family members lead power hours designed to bring to you top professionals who support real estate business owners and entrepreneurs. Whether you are new to real estate or experienced in the industry this is for you!

My special guest is Larry D. West, III of Dallas, TX! Larry is a tax strategist with a keen focus on supporting small business owners and real estate professionals. He answers questions from a room full! Major 💎 alert!!! Follow Larry on IG www.instagram.com/larrydwestiii

Support Larry and his great academy that fosters access to high level education platforms for our youth! www.westlearning.org

You should be in tune with me! Let's do it! Check me out at linktr.ee/champron
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Autore Podcast Media Champs LLC
Organizzazione The Binge Podcast Network
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