236: Senators manage to reach a deal on gun control

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#RoyBlunt, #RichardBurr, #RobPortman, #PatrickToomey, #JohnCornyn, #ThomTillis, #BillCassidy, #SusanCollins, #LindseyGraham, #MittRomney, #gunlaws Senate negotiators announced on Sunday that they had struck a bipartisan deal on a narrow set of gun safety...
mostra di piùSenate negotiators announced on Sunday that they had struck a bipartisan deal on a narrow set of gun safety measures with sufficient support to move through the evenly divided chamber, a significant step toward ending a yearslong congressional impasse on the issue.
The agreement, put forth by 10 Republicans and 10 Democrats and endorsed by President Biden and top Democrats, includes enhanced background checks to give authorities time to check the juvenile and mental health records of any prospective gun buyer under the age of 21 and a provision that would, for the first time, extend to dating partners a prohibition on domestic abusers having guns.
The 10 Republicans that have endorsed this new bill are:
Roy Blunt, Missouri
Richard Burr, North Carolina
Rob Portman, Ohio
Patrick Toomey, Pennsylvania
John Cornyn, Texas
Thom Tillis, Nort...
Autore | The Wrants Show |
Organizzazione | The Wrants Show |
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