2022 Year in Review- Season 2, Chapter 12 of 12

14 dic 2022 · 26 min. 58 sec.
2022 Year in Review- Season 2, Chapter 12 of 12

Can you believe it has been two years of The Brie Pod!?! In this episode, - I talk about the lessons I have learned and how I have applied them...

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Can you believe it has been two years of The Brie Pod!?!

In this episode,
- I talk about the lessons I have learned and how I have applied them in life.
- I share a look back on 2022 and how far The Brie Pod has come.
- I share the lessons that gave me meaning and my new outlook going forward in 2023.

I am so thankful for each and every one of you and hope you continue to follow The Brie Pod!

You are worthy, You are Loved, You are Cherished, and I am proud of you!
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Autore Brianna Hurteau
Organizzazione Brianna Hurteau
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Sembra che non tu non abbia alcun episodio attivo

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