
196. Myths of Human Evolution and the Ancient Past

2 mag 2023 · 30 min. 33 sec.
196. Myths of Human Evolution and the Ancient Past

The history of humankind has been contemplated for millennia. How did we come to be the dominant life form on the planet? Many stories have been told over the course...

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The history of humankind has been contemplated for millennia. How did we come to be the dominant life form on the planet? Many stories have been told over the course of civilization to try and explain our presence on Earth, and in the process, many myths of our ancient past have come to dominate popular thinking. So what remains myth, and what do we actually know about the origins of humankind? And for all of their inaccuracies, why have the myths and stories of our past been so important for human civilization over the years? Science journalist Evan Hadingham joins the podcast.

Evan Hadingham's Book -
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Autore Zale Mednick
Organizzazione Zale Mednick
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