177 - Copyright or Copywrong
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In this fun-filled episode of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast, we start off the discussion with a trip to the grocery store. Eloy Escagedo set out to buy a bottle of...
mostra di piùTotally switching gears, Mark Lindsay introduces a topic that was inspired by a recent YouTube video he watched (go figure, right?) The video featured a gentleman who plays classical music pieces on piano, and the score to that music is displayed on the screen as he plays it. As an April Fools joke, he flipped the sheet music over, and played it upside down. The funny thing is, the resulting music sounds fantastic. It’s completely unrecognizable as the original, yet still sounds great. The video is posted on the Trampled Underfoot Podcast Facebook page so you can listen for yourself.
This then opens up a dialog on copyright issues in music, video, images, and all other content we find online. Mark shares a personal story involving someone using a piece of one of his videos in their videos. Do you agree with the host's conclusions?
All of this and more in this totally copyrighted episode of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast!
Autore | Light Breaker Podcasting |
Organizzazione | Light Breaker Podcasting |
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