028 Becoming Xiaobing Shen

19 mag 2022 · 29 min. 6 sec.
028 Becoming Xiaobing Shen

Xiaobing Shen grew up in rural China and moved to Canada in the 90s for schooling and the prospect of a better life. However, he found his way back to...

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Xiaobing Shen grew up in rural China and moved to Canada in the 90s for schooling and the prospect of a better life. However, he found his way back to farming, and has carved a niche for himself now preparing the foods that he grew up eating. In this episode, Xiaobing shares his honest journey with host Catherine Tang.Connect with us: Find Xiaobing Shen at the Memorial Centre Farmer’s Market, or check out Long Road Ecological Farm at http://www.longroadecofarm.ca/Catherine Tang can be found on Twitter at @EduScribblings Theme music: "Inspiring and Upbeat"' by Scott Holmeswww.scottholmesmusic.com
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